Statement of Purpose

At Home Care Statement of Purpose

OUR AIMS AND OBJECTIVES. The aim of our service is to enable Clients to remain as independent as possible while being cared for at home in such a way that their dignity, privacy, are given the highest priority and they are treated in a respectful manner at all times.

Our objectives are:

  • To provide a high quality bespoke service, which enables and assists clients to retain their independence and to remain at home for as long as they wish.
  • To provide a bespoke service based on individually assessed needs and requirements
  • To provide and maintain services which comply with, and wherever possible exceed current legislation.
  • To ensure that the needs of clients are paramount with regard to any decisions or activities affecting their care.
  • To ensure that the client and/or their representatives are regularly consulted about the service we provide and implement any changes that are deemed necessary.
  • To provided a continuity of service to clients.


At Home Care offers a bespoke range of services that are tailored to meet the individual's needs and allow people to remain in their own homes. Our range of services include but are not limited to:


  • Assistance with washing, bathing and showering.
  • Assistance with toileting
  • Assistance with dressing and undressing, getting up and going to bed.
  • Care of skin, hair, teeth and nails, where appropriate.


  • Listening and talking to people is regarded as an important part of delivering care. We can assist the client to keep in touch with their friends and relatives, with letter writing, telephone calls etc.
  • Assistance with planning and shopping
  • Assistance with paying bills, pension collection etc.
  • Participating in fun activities- watching films, card games etc


  • Assistance with cleaning and housework.
  • Assistance with laundry and ironing.
  • Looking after pets


  • Food preparation at the client's home.
  • Assistance with feeding.

Carers aren't limited to JUST providing help at home. They can drive you to a doctor's or hospital appointments , take you shopping, they can even accompany you on holiday

All of these services are complementary to each other, or they can be used separately depending upon the needs of the individual. We constantly monitor the service and try to be as flexible and responsive as possible to the changing needs of clients.

We aim to meet the above objectives by adhering to delivering our policies in practice, by endeavouring to provide suitable staff, by paying attention to our clients / and or their representatives views.


We always endeavour to provide a quality service, however, should a client or their appointed representative have cause to complain we will investigate it rigorously. All complaints will be thoroughly investigated in a timely and constructive manner.

Clients can complain by phone or put complaint into writing. Verbal complaints should be directed to the Care Manager. Where the manager cannot deal with the issue they will pass it on to a senior manager or director of the company. Where we receive a complaint in writing we will respond in writing within 7 days.

For serious matters, an investigation will take place and we will contact those concerned. We will write to you within a further three weeks with details of our findings where appropriate of any action we have taken and proposals to rectify the situation.

If at the end of our complaints investigation you are still unhappy and feel that your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can forward the details of your complaint to: Care Quality Commission, Citygate Gallowgate Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA Tel 03000 616161

For a full copy of our complaints procedure please ask us for a copy.


At Home Care is committed to anti-discriminatory practices, working in a way which respects the views, rights and behaviour of people from minority groups and which celebrates their diversity. We are sensitive and responsive to the race, culture, religion, age, disability, gender and sexuality of the people receiving care, and to their relatives and representatives. We will do everything possible to ensure that the way in which our service is delivered does nothing to compromise these rights .


No one will be disadvantaged because of any disability and opportunities will be equally available for all.

At Home Care we reserve the right to withdraw the service immediately to individuals, who refuse to co-operate with the equal opportunities policy, are verbally or physically abusive or fail to pay the fees, as agreed.

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